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Welcome to July!
Jul 7, 2008

Welcome to July!

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? New in the last two weeks, ready for your Bonanzling enjoyment ready...set...now!

  • Chat from MSN, AIM or Gmail to your booth. There's no better or easier way to get your items noticed than to be chat-available: it gets your items featured on the home page, and helps you show up at the top of search results. And now, you don't have to be logged into Bonanzle to be available for chat. Once you have setup your booth, visit "My Bonanzle" -> "Personal Info" and you can setup your booth buyers to send messages to you any time you are logged into your instant messaging program!
  • Import items from eBay or from a CSV file (beta). Both of these features are still in beta, but functional. When setting up your booth, visit the "Advanced Options" tab and follow the links. We'll do the heavy lifting, importing your title, description, price, and pictures to Bonanzle from wherever they are now. We've also made some improvements to increase the reliability of our trusty Craigslist item importer.
  • Cool booth URLs. No longer are you a mundane http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/1. We now support linking to your booth by your username, so http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/bharding will visit a booth (a very happenin' booth, with many things you should buy, I might add). That'll impress your friends.
  • Far improved item batch editing. Our item batch editor has overgone a complete usability overhaul, and should make it much easier to maintain the ever-increasing size of some Bonanzle booths. You can check out our batch editor at "My Bonanzle" -> "Batch Edit" under "Booth Pro Features."
  • Zoom out images beyond 100%. The most requested feature on the site so far has finally arrived. There are now a couple different options for adding your tallest item pictures in such a way that they look good in your booth, as well as a help page on how to do it.
  • Gmail-style email quoting. Probably my personal favorite feature of the last few weeks. We heart copying Google.
  • More forums. More forums have been added -- let's blabber. I'll go first.

What's next? You tell us!

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2 responses to Welcome to July!

inedibill says: 07/16/08 at 01:32:27

I believe that comments can now be made?

inedibill says: 07/16/08 at 01:32:27

I believe that comments can now be made?

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