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Newest Team Member
Jul 13, 2010

Newest Team Member

Hello Bonanzlers!

My name is Blake Lucchesi and I'm the new Front End Developer here at Bonanzle.  I'm very excited to be a part of this growing community and I can't wait to get to know all of you better.

As a Front End Developer, my contribution to the community will be to improve and enhance the user experience on Bonanzle. I'm going to be implementing new design elements, features and some things you might not notice as well.

A little more about myself: I'm a recent California transplant, I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and went to college in Orange County.  About 2 months ago my girlfriend and I decided to move away from the sun and beach to Downtown Seattle.  I know, we're crazy, but we're loving the city scene and all the great people we're meeting up here in Seattle.

Professionally, I've been working with a very small and talented team building websites for a number of great clients.  I've had the pleasure of working on artist websites for Warner Bros Records and Sony BMG, built a website for a major video game development company, and met a lot of great people in between.

Needless to say, I'm excited to join my new team at Bonanzle.

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76 responses to Newest Team Member

momspennies says: 07/13/10 at 16:03:47

We’re excited to see you join the team Blake!
Welcome to the family!

woodnthings says: 07/13/10 at 16:12:12

Welcome aboard. Looking forward to your contributions.

Rdesigns says: 07/13/10 at 16:14:55

Welcome. We will try our best to keep you busy.

Vintagemaven says: 07/13/10 at 16:27:01

Hi and welcome.

teapotgallery says: 07/13/10 at 16:51:06

Welcome to the family Blake, glad to see you here.

Liquidation says: 07/13/10 at 16:59:19

Welcome aboard, Blake

mrsdinkerson says: 07/13/10 at 17:05:03

Welcome to Bonanzle! Glad to have you here. Thanks for helping us out!

bookbrowzers says: 07/13/10 at 17:42:54

Hi Blake! Welcome to the Ranch!!

RM1Gordon says: 07/13/10 at 17:45:54

Welcome to Bonanzle

irishonebac says: 07/13/10 at 17:54:20

Nice to meet you :-)

bjstlmi says: 07/13/10 at 17:57:03

Welcome to Bonanzle.

TxSTar1953 says: 07/13/10 at 18:12:15

Welcome and wishing you much success. We’re happy you’re on board.

nutz4bookznstuff says: 07/13/10 at 18:23:50

Greetings & Welcome Blake

renagade says: 07/13/10 at 18:32:13

Well well .. sit down, buckle up and get ready to ROCK!

txskys4ever says: 07/13/10 at 18:32:32

Welcome to the Ranch!

Whispering_Willows says: 07/13/10 at 19:00:29

Welcome aboard

sofyblu2 says: 07/13/10 at 19:13:42

Welcome to the family Blake…..please tell us that you can fix the shipping calculators especially FedEx..pleaseeeee

kathyseven says: 07/13/10 at 19:15:32

Welcome to Team Bonanzle Blake!

If you don’t mind a little rain…. you’ll LOVE the Northwest! lol

alicesgiftshop says: 07/13/10 at 19:59:00

Welcome Blake. I am glad you joined us.

DakotaGold says: 07/13/10 at 20:10:55

Welcome Blake!

TimsDiamondWillow says: 07/13/10 at 21:35:32

Hey, Blake…Seattle weather isn’t too much different than SF, is it? At least, compared to other parts of the country, at least, eh!

Welcome to Bonanzle weather. Looking forward to seeing your developments on the front

GanGan says: 07/13/10 at 22:04:16

Hey Ya Blake.. welcome!!!

mercantile says: 07/13/10 at 23:02:46

Nice to meet you Blake. Welcome to Bonanzle

EclectiveTreasures says: 07/13/10 at 23:08:46

Glad to meet you, and welcome.

alexwberg says: 07/13/10 at 23:52:46

Woot! We’re stoked to have Blake here. He’s already contributing a ton and we’ll be launching some of his work very soon. Some of it, like our simplified registration page, has launched already. Go B.

blakelucchesi says: 07/13/10 at 23:59:57

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

chestoftreasures says: 07/14/10 at 04:03:06

Glad to have you with us Blake.

Queenmum says: 07/14/10 at 05:57:22

Welcome home

FabFinds says: 07/14/10 at 06:22:56

Welcome Blake! You’re gonna like it here, we’re a fun bunch.

bonzchick says: 07/14/10 at 07:01:53

Welcome to Bonanzle!
Happy to have your here

MNblarneystone says: 07/14/10 at 07:06:31

Welcome!! I know things will only get better with each new addition to Bonanzle!!

DS520Diecast says: 07/14/10 at 07:22:19

Welcome to the Ranch, Blake!

pieper says: 07/14/10 at 07:39:52

Welcome to the family—hope you have as much fun as we do!

Griffengarb says: 07/14/10 at 07:43:49

Welcome to Bonanzle!

ScouterMuffin says: 07/14/10 at 07:54:58

A Great Big Howdy to Ya Blake!
Glad you’re aboard!
Now get to it as we are waiting with bated breath!

Have a Most Wonderful Day!

loristhisandthat says: 07/14/10 at 08:09:08

Welcome Blake!

sarascosmeticshop says: 07/14/10 at 08:45:38

Welcome! Happy you joined us. Best wishes to you.

Foxy_Lady_Boutique says: 07/14/10 at 09:31:25

Welcome to the family, happy to have you.
Not sure you will take to the Seattle Weather, I left there in 1962 as a bride and never looked back,living in Naples Florida.

jacksplace says: 07/14/10 at 09:38:47


yeshuazgirl says: 07/14/10 at 09:58:10

Welcome Blake! All The Best To You Here!
Patti (Yeshuazgirl)

Lilliebelle says: 07/14/10 at 11:10:25

Looking forward to all the new and positive changes and additions, wonderful to have you aboard!

SunflowerAntics says: 07/14/10 at 11:54:40

Welcome to the FAMILY Blake!


SweetnSassyBuyGones says: 07/14/10 at 14:38:25

Howdy Partner, from the Lone Star State, TEXAS of course. Best of Luck and Welcome to Bonanzle.

Starfisher says: 07/14/10 at 14:38:51

Welcome to Bonanzle Blake. It will be interesting to see what new ideas you develop. I hope you will announce them as they happen, even if we aren’t aware of them. Jan (Starfisher)

okiemarket09 says: 07/14/10 at 14:46:53

Welcome to the funnest place on the web!

swoodproducts says: 07/14/10 at 15:04:05

WTG Blake
A hearty welcome and good luck in your new job!

littleroses says: 07/14/10 at 15:43:47

A Big, Warm, Welcome to ya Blake. Good Luck and have Fun at your new position.

JuleesTreasures says: 07/14/10 at 15:48:38

Welcome Blake, best wishes to you!:)

debdoll says: 07/14/10 at 15:57:00

So glad you joined us, Blake! Welcome!!

BargainBasement says: 07/14/10 at 16:42:19

Welcome to the Bonanzle family Blake

AnnappleBonanza says: 07/14/10 at 16:50:16

Welcome Blake! Wow!, from the O.C., to Seattle! The Boyz are very alluring!

therainforest says: 07/14/10 at 17:19:50

You’re going to love Seattle!

selah54 says: 07/14/10 at 17:34:00

Welcome aboard …. but of course you do realize that you have to clear all changes with us first don’t you?

Silkworm says: 07/14/10 at 17:35:06

Welcome aboard, Blake.

JGsSavvySales says: 07/14/10 at 18:54:48

Welcome to Bonanzle Blake!

girlstuff101 says: 07/14/10 at 20:44:13

Welcome and good luck!

CoinsYouWant says: 07/14/10 at 21:43:26

So glad to have another pro join the team!
I love it here so much I have 2 Booths…


~ Mariah

ShopaholicTreasures says: 07/14/10 at 23:04:09

Welcome to the Family Blake!!! We are going to love having you around!!! We would love to meet with you in Kansas City next month!!!

vivian711 says: 07/15/10 at 03:29:39

Welcome to Bonanzle Blake…

Alilbirdy2 says: 07/15/10 at 07:12:47

Nice to meet you Blake Lucchesi

AnnGolden says: 07/15/10 at 08:06:55

Welcome aboard

aliceunderg says: 07/15/10 at 08:09:20

Welcome aboard!

AllThingsVintage44 says: 07/15/10 at 08:32:51

Welcome Blake. Thanks for joining this crazy bunch! Your work is certainly going to keep you busy

Lisas_TX_Treasures says: 07/15/10 at 12:11:58

Welcome aboard Blake! Wish you all the best!


treasureseekersunite says: 07/15/10 at 13:40:30

Welcome, Blake! I hope you’re enjoying your new home in Seattle and your new family here at Bonanzle! Thanks for joining!

aka TSU

CritterCreekRanch says: 07/15/10 at 15:00:22

Howdy and Welcome To The Ranch!!

froggieb says: 07/15/10 at 15:24:13

Welcome to the greatest game in town! Hope to see more awesome changes!

starshinin says: 07/15/10 at 16:46:19

welcome to our family and wishin u the bestest….our home just keeps gettin better and better!

Cabanalolita says: 07/15/10 at 17:44:26

Welcome Blake, let’s see what you can do? Dazzle us! We’re excited to welcome you to Bonanzle.

pennipete says: 07/15/10 at 17:51:57

Welcome Blake! Congratulations on your new position and new home!

Heartsome says: 07/16/10 at 06:50:40


sonsandie1507 says: 07/16/10 at 06:53:43

Welcome Blake!

richknobsales says: 07/16/10 at 09:12:03

Welcome Blake! Tell everyone you know to shop here FIRST!

AvocadoLane says: 07/19/10 at 06:54:22

Welcome and best of luck with your new endeavor.

driver211 says: 07/26/10 at 11:58:16

Welcome to the ranch Blake.

Stellarstarseller says: 08/23/10 at 10:09:45

Welcome. Wow. Working for Warner Bros Records and Sony BMG. Now, that is impressive.

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