Sellers of the world, rejoice! Google today announced that they are going to begin offering support for marketplaces to manage their sellers feeds directly. You can read all about it at the Google Base Blog. This will allow us to eliminate one of the most tedious processes that our new sellers had to endure upon setting up their booths.
We plan to support this new process as soon as possible, hopefully automating submission of all Google Base accounts within the next 2-4 weeks. We'll make an announcement once the final changeover has been made.
Note that, even after the change, your product search attributes (as derived from your item traits or set manually) will continue to earn you greater traffic volumes for your Bonanzle items.
Bottom line: no action is required by you. But we wanted to let everybody know that within a few weeks time you should no longer have to worry about the hassle of submitting and maintaining your Google Base items. Hooray for Google!
90 responses to Big Google Announcement
Awesome!! thanks for letting us know Bill!
Lucky us, poor you
But this will help tremendously for the newbies!
Thank goodness! That is great. Thanks for the info Bill!
Good news. Thanks for letting us know.
How often will the feed get uploaded to Google?
You guys are super!!! Thanks for the quick response before I aged more.
Thanks Bill for letting us know!
ditto at sofy’s post!
WonderBill! Thanks for letting us know it will be happening! Will we be notified by support then IF there are any errors in our feeds? Not planning on any though.
Have a great Labor Day Weekend!
thanks so much. as usual you boyz are ahead of the game
wow that was one of the most worrisome things to do..every day there was a complaint about google base..I for one am releived.and thank you google..
WooHoo! This is GREAT news Bill! I know you have struggled with what we all can do with our feed – you ROCK!
(Note: I have Tweet’d & FB’d this NEW blog!
Thank you for the announcement!
Thank you for the announcement!
This is great news, I asked Bill months ago, when I was under the id the_jewelry_shack for this too happen. Thanks Bill.
Whoo Hoo! Way Cool!
Wonderful news.

Thank you for implementing it way ahead of the deadline.
Great news. I believe someone asked how many times Bonanzle is going to submit. I know Ecrater does it 2 times a week. This is probably enough.
Fantastic! Thanks Bill
Super! You guys are the best
Great news, Bill
Awesome, Thanks for the great news
That’s Terrific News Bill…sure do appreicate your efforts in helping to make this Great Marketplace even more user friendly!
What? No more “I can’t get my feed to work!” threads??
That’s fantastic news, Bill ~ thanks for letting us know!
Thank you so much, I look forward to more from you. I can’t believe that there will be no more worries trying to get stuff to Google!
I can breathe a sigh of relief now? No more coming in here every morning and seeing what Google has failed again. Thanks you guy’s you rock.
Sincerely “Thank You”
In 465 languages. We are sure there are many more times we should do this, but the below is a start.
Well there ya go!
I knew Bill & the crew would get a handle on this if we just gave them a minute to breathe
thank you!!
Fantastic and that is great to here
Very good news.
Hooray for H0LLyGoog!
That’s the best news I’ve heard all year. Now Judy can get a break!
That is good news.
Great News Thanks a Bunch!!
DISEMCAPITAL them titles, baby!
Yay!!! Thanks
HIP hip Hooray!
Thanks.Bonanzle is on top of everything compared to all other sites.Very happy to be part of this community.
Thank you Bill and also all of your crew, as well as BluePennyLady.
Oh, those upstarts! What great news! I think it was karma … I restarted my membership today and here’s this great news! This whole Google saga has been a major PITA for lots of people. Thanks for the early good news!
I hope one thing will be done by the boyz before this starts though, and that is:
Someone in support needs too search the site for fakes which are being listed from companies such as"
Louis Vuitton
Ralph Lauren
juicy couture
Jimmy Choo
Pirated Movies
Harley Davidson
It is against all these companies written terms of sales too resell any of their products or use any of their company logos on the internet withough written permision from their company. This couls cause problems with google and the companies themselves.
Fakes,Illegal and Counterfeit items are a big problem on ebay because the company allows them too be sold.
Good news for the ones where their feeds don’t work.
Bad news for the timing in case there is a problem somewhere.
The holiday season is fast approaching!
Yippee Hooray (I hope)
Thanks Bill. Never had a problem with Google myself, but I think this change is great for Bonanzle.
The following is part of an e-mail I just received from Google…“We’re happy to let you know that as of September 3rd, individual sellers on marketplaces no longer need to submit feeds to Google Product Search. Going forward, marketplaces will be responsible for submitting a feed of all their sellers’ items, so we will be retiring your account to avoid duplicate entries on Product Search. Bonanzle will also be responsible for ensuring that your feeds are up-to-date and compliant with our policies.”
There is no mention of Dec.9 in this memo. I assume that as soon as this feed expires on Sept 30, the account will be closed?? I checked and my Google account for Bonanzle is still active as of today but did notice that my views have gone down this week.
As Mark will atest to – this is one HUGE relief for ole biz’ (just turned 69 in april)…i don’t need to age MORE than I already have
This is good news for everyone on Bonanzle!
Whew! I got my feeds fixed just in time!! Thank you for the info!
I had no worries, I knew the Boyz would not let us down
My thanks for all you do..
WHHHOOOO HOOOOOOOO I never really understood the Google thing though I did what you suggested and (everyone else) I still haven’t had the best of sales but I’m still here and loving it!! Thank you Bill for all your hard work and dedication to us!
My thanks to the Boyz – always on top of the issues…..
Awesome! I just knew the Boyz would find a solution!
Thank you so much!
Hooray for Judy/Blue – saves her a LOT of work !!
But now we really have to get serious about letting sellers know: CAPS are a NO-NO !!
Some just don’t learn
Wonderful news, received it in email this morning, Bonanzle rocks!
Great news for the Bonanzle community.
Google sent me an email regarding this also. It’s definitely great news!
Great news! Woo Hoo!
One of the MANY things I love about Bonanzle is that you Boyz are always keeping us in the loop. Thanks!
A question, the Google e-mail mentioned cancelling our accounts. Does that mean that for 2-4 weeks until the service is ready on behalf of bonazle our items will not be featured on Google?? Has anyone thought about that?
Yes!! Not everyone is savy on this part, and now it has been taken care of…thanks boyz and “Kudos” to Google!
Well thank you very much. That’s a big load off us not so attribute savvy ones. Now, if only I could find item traits that apply to my items, it will all be a “walk in the park”.
But a lot of my items do not fit in the “generic” item trait list, some don’t have a single one of those.
So I’ll keep on slugging it out. Hope sale will start coming again…it’s been a long dry spell since May.
That’s really great. I’m a new Seller here. First, I tried the “Sending to Google” Process, Step 1. Was really confused. Then went on to Step 2. It was easier. Things didn’t show up though, when I went to search, so I put them in again. I know it takes about 48 hrs. This new process you’ll be implementing will be fantastic. Thank you!
It just occured to me that we’ll no longer have feed status emails anymore.
Could u guys make a page where we can collectively read the weekly update from Google on how “our” feed is doing? Kinda like a traffic copter, cool to watch but theres really nothing you can do about it… ?
In response to a couple of the questions:
2-4 weeks is my “safe” estimate of how long it will take to finish the transition to hosting all the feeds ourselves. I am already underway in writing the code to make this happen, however, Google is still in the process of completing the means by which marketplaces submit feeds on behalf of the merchants. I’d wager it’s quite possible that we’ll have things ready for submission on our side before Google finishes tying up loose ends on their side, so in that case it will just be a matter of waiting until Google makes it possible to submit people’s feeds on their behalf.
And yes, perma, we will work to give viewable Google stats on Bonanzle shortly after we get the feeds themselves setup. It’s going to be a busy month!
Thanks Bill!
QUICK QUESTION When the site is submitting our feeds, then will we show up as BONANZLE on the Google search??? I will probably loose my individuality of my booth name: Cheyenne General Store…just concerned.
To shorten: All eBay’s feeds say eBay – will ours now ALL be Bonanzle???
Thank you Bill! I am happy, as this was very time consuming as well as frustrating at times. We all need as much exposure here on Bonanzle as possible.
What can I say but Thanks Bill! Knew you’d be on top of this before I finished reading the email from Google. You ROCK dude—
Did a manual upload yesterday and out of 465 items only 37 showed up on the Base, all my other items are gone and not searchable. Should have left well enough alone, but didn’t get the google email until right now.
Terrific News! Thanks for letting us know!!
my items shows up in google search as “used” or with used next to the price… does anybody know how to change that to “new” ? I thought there should be an option to put new or used when listing an item here on bonanzle, but just can’t figure it out… help! anybody…?
“Note that, even after the change, your product search attributes (as derived from your item traits or set manually) will continue to earn you greater traffic volumes for your Bonanzle items. "
I think you need to emphasize that, if I understand the quote, we must CONTINUE TO ADD THE ATTRIBUTES, as we should be doing now. Is that correct? Thanks
I only have one item out of my 103 in the Google Base what has happened.
This is great News… Thanks for sharing, Bill.
This is amazing news. Thanks bonanzle. You deliver only the best!
This will make it so much easier for newbies
This is nice.
Bonanzle needs more item traits. Some only have new or used which isn’t much information.
totally awesome!
QUICK! Everyone run over and buy one item from folse4s booth (one of mine in need of much repair) so I do not have to redo EVERY listing. LOL.
Great work boyz. Hoping the transition is a smooth one for all!
This is Great news!!
I’m still a bit confused.
Now, our google feed shows store name. We feed it and name it.
When the change occurs, will it still show individual store names, or just “bonanzle” , like eBay does?
I saw a few of mine loaded under Bonanzle, not my booth name. But I also saw at least one of my new items with an attribute of new was showing as used in Google. I assume this is still a work in progress, and some bugs need to be worked out. Still, I am so glad to hear we no longer have to do these feeds.
I’m a little confused. Do we still have to have our google base account? I thought this new system would eliminate that. Does anyone know. Or it is just one main feed. Because I cant see where to find out if my items are in a feed on my bon.
Great job I am finding my listings under appropriate keywords on the first pages, that is exciting! It is under Bonanzle but I know when they click on link they will come to my booth and see my other stuff too
Best wishes to all the member,please visit us at
Okay y’all. Sarah and I are newbies and REALLY NEED HELP with the Google/thread/hiccup/no . . . things.
We just darted over from eBay and have set up a nest here. Sarah (beagle and head of the household) will need help getting syndicated, so when we yelp, please help.
Thanks, suze and Sarah
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