I have discovered evil incarnate, and it is the Microsoft Wireless 5000 Mouse. After just spending an hour describing -- in great detail -- the ins and outs of our new cart and new seller invoicing system, I reached for my mouse, and inadvertantly bumped into one of the protruding side buttons, which immediately destroyed my hour of blogging (by navigating to the previous page), as well as my will to blog. Sigh! Here's the cliff's notes:
We have a new cart. It's nifty. It trades off the option to pickup or use cash (which hardly anybody was using) for greater simplicity. It incorporates many of the helpful tips given by the community. Thanks, all.
We have a new seller invoicing system. It's rad. It allows sellers to specify customized discounts or charges for orders that aren't made as offers and aren't purchased via "Buy now." It incorporates many of the helpful tips given by the community. Thanks, all.
Check the pics.
Avoid Microsoft Mice.
That is all.
(Will aim to describe these in more detail later after taking appropriate time to mourn my loss of a healthy & promising blog post)
93 responses to A (very) Brief Tour of Your New Cart
Thanks Bill for the new cart buyer/seller enhancement!
looks great! Nice improvement.
Looks streamlined & user friendly! Nice change
Buy something and I can test it out
It looks great Bill. Don’t you love wireless? If it is so wireless, why do I need all of these things plugged into the sides of my computer? And nothing is more fun than being stuck behind a running diesel.
Looks good. Love the deduction for good character….
Looks much easier. Thanks alot. Did you change the OBO to make offer. Please say yes
Thanks a bunch Bill…it looks great! Can’t wait to try it. Oh how I can relate to your mourning! Did I ever mention I HATE Microsoft products??? I have decided to get a dart board and pin a picture of Bill Gates on it…I think it will be a great way to vent my frustrations
Chin up…I’ll bet after a good mourning you’ll create an even greater blog than the one you had previously!
Wow….It looks so crisp and clean and uncluttered…….I love it.
Sure looks nice, Bill you did it again
Can we still accept MO Payments?
Thanks. Can we still accept money orders and cash and use the new checkout and invoice?
Other question please, where does the insurance cost get added in if applicable?
Thank you
Hey Bill, oh man I hate when that happens!… especially after everything is all tweaked and perfect… when for no apparent reason the evil technology genie decides to have a little fun at your expense…
Once again you amaze me.. I really didn’t see how you could make the checkout system much easier than it already was… but YOU DID IT! I just played with it by making an offer – really slick and easy peasy… Can’t wait to play with the other side of the process
I can see that you took to heart all the community suggestions and wrapped them up into one super clean and simple process. Great job!
Thanks for listening!
Thanks for all the hard work Bill! You guys are great! There is no other site out there were the members make a suggestion and it is answered so quickly! I love this site!
This new feature is going to be great!
Dear Bill, Thanks for doing the new cart. I thought the old one was a pain myself. Maybe I will have more buyers now. Keep up the good work.
Anxious to check this out. Can’t help but think of the old carpenter/seamstress saying “Measure twice, cut once.” For Microsoft users it’s “Save often, type once.” Thanks for all you do Bill!
Craig and Nancy
Cool Beans
As soon as I get more cash in my bank account I’ll give it a whirl.
stuffyouneed says:
“the old carpenter/seamstess saying “Measure twice, cut once.â€
Craig and Nancy”
I thought it was $#!% I cut this board 3 times and it’s still to short.
Cool! Thanks a bunch.
It’s looking good from what I can see so far- can’t wait for my next sale so I can try it out from the “seller’s side” (and the invoices!). Thank you!
Looks Great. So streamline and clean looking. Can’t wait to try it out. Thanks for making this the BEST SITE EVER!
Can’t wait to see this in action. Thanks for all your hard work, Bill.
You need the Mutts from MuttsAttic to keep your MICE under control. Thank you so much for your hard work. Shari
Wow, Bill, thanks! Looks great…can’t wait to try it
very nice I hope to be able to print a invoice soon
Hooray! Looking forward to my first use! Thanks alot!
To Cyber Ninga Bill!
Thanks for all the HARD work you and the Boyz are do’n! I am so glad I’m here and part of all the transitions – it is GREAT to be a Bonanzle’r!
well it seems i got to try it, when i logged on i had a offer waiting. When i clicked on approve, a red X showed up.
Very nice, it does look a lot better
IT’S PERFECT!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Crap, now I don’t have anything else to bug you about
Looks nice! I just need a sale to see if it really is nice
Thanks Bill, You guys are the greatest!
The new cart looks great Thanks so much for all your hard work
so sorry about your mouse… I know how a mishap like that makes you loose your will to go on :(
but, the new goodies are WONDERFUL and GREATLY appreciated… thank you sooooo much
Tip of the day “Avoid Microsoft Mice.”
Thank you so much Bill for listening to the needs of the members and implementing them in such a record speed manner and beyond our expectations, your Da Bomb
BiLL, this enhancement works great for me because ALL my items are always offered with FREE Shipping @ MONTROSE. If any combined items are added to cart, it gives my buyers an easy ExPRESS Checkout without having to add any unnecessary notes to seller since the proper option remains within the finalization on the PayPaL side. Simplicity is the keyword to faster checkout without any additionals to submit on the Bonanzle [memo/notes] invoice. The invoice is easy to read, understand and helps close the sale instantly. Thanks for working on this as previously mentioned….MONTROSe
Thank you for listening, Bill. It is greatly appreciated!
After test the cart with Paceset9999 this morning, we realized that a double payment could be generated due to “Checkout Now” on Bonanzle and the invoice then following in the buyer’s email account. If the buyer is making multiple purchases and looses there track of thought, the Seller could receive two payments on the same invoice.
Is there a way to protect the transaction and not send an invoice if the buyer pays immediately through Bonanzle??? :O
Thanks, Bill!
Looks nice and easy
Now you’ve started something though. Everyone who has read this post will be wondering why THEY didn’t get a discount for ‘great character’.
ps – I hate my wireless keyboard
Thank you
We appreciate it
I like it! I like it! Thanks a bunch!
Absolutely awesome! Thanks so much Bill, for all your hard work!
Soooo sorry to hear you lost all your work in one little bump! I can sooo mourn with you, as it has happened to me, more times than I want to remember. UGH
Bill, feel you pain with the mouse – has happened to me twice lately – that little button on the left is a killer! Brings new meaning to the advice “Save your work as you go!”
Thanks for ALL you do!
Great job on the new checkout – very RAD and looking forward to using it often!
Nice job Bill!
I had to destroy my Microsoft mouse after I caught it logging onto the internet without my permission! Now what kind of data was that mouse trying to send to Microsoft?
Everything looks good to me. Haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. AND I just HAD to add this link after reading jacksplace’s comment.
What do your icons on your desktop do when you are sleeping?
lol Sher
Nice job! I really like it Great Job!!!!
Really nicely done!! I haven’t figured out how the invoice thingie works yet but it is an unexpected surprise!!
Great! Thanks so much!
You just learned probably the only legitimate use of e-Blaster keystroke logger. Bummer that happened. Wear your mouse helmet… And thank you for checkout!!!
Thanks for another improvement.
New Cart and checkout WORKS perfectly. Thank you !!
can’t wait to try it
I am new and hadn’t used the old checkout/invoice. will you post the full length checkout/invoice descriptions & please use larger images, having diff time reading what is on the forms. looking forward to new full blog. what happened to the CASH payment type, has it been removed for ALL transactions? Thanks
Very Nice!!!
Thank you for listening.
I’ve been trying to send an invoice, too, and getting red X’s saying the items have already been sold.
I’m confused
How do we propose offers now?
Getting there! Do wish the make offer was more visible.
And if you make insurance optional…where would that come up?
Thanks for the heads up , I am new and I probably don’t know what it was like before , but I like the way it looks now. I haven’t got any sales to try it out , but waiting patiently

I feel your pain Bill. Had a similar experience last night while trying to compose what should have been a 5 minute blog post using the Chrome browser. It’s so depressing.
well that is perfect ty BOYZ
I just had the opportunity to make a purchase & use the new cart / checkout… wow. It’s really cool. I really like the nifty etrust thing… I like how a buyer can see all the different credit / debit possibilities & I like how they can switch it to money order payment very easily if they choose to. It was very easy for me to add something to my cart, and go very smoothly to checkout, and very smoothly to complete my payment.
Bonanzle is the best – gets better all the time as far as I’m concerned!
p.s. so sorry to hear about your mouse issue… might i suggest a good kitty cat ?
Looks great..a lot of people should be happy over this improvement.
Thank You. I am kind of new to the site, but WOW, I am sure this works Just Great. I have to go now and try it out…..
I made you some special attributes for the mouse……
[[Brand:Microsoft]] [[Style:mouse]] [[Style:WL 5000]]
[[Color:nondescript]] [[Material:whatever]] [[Size:small]]
[[Condition:rotten]] [[Functions:bad]] [[Feature:worthless]]
[[Feature:mindlessly destroys hardwork]] [[Feature:pain]]
[[Feature:may require human operater to use tranquilizers]]
[[Installation:garbage can]]
Thanks for the spinners on our checkout rides! But seriously, the before and after screen shots really make it a breeze to visualize the improvements.
Thanks for the time spent on this project, including the tragic loss of your original blog at the hand of your MS Mouse. When my MS equipment & software does me wrong (often), I cannot help but think about the time Bill Gates got a pie in the face, and I then wonder whether he deserved it.
Hey, Bill…
Use a Macintosh. They’re nifty. They’re rad. They’re NOT Microsoft.
Looks great. Haven’t used it yet. Was wondering if there’s a place to “continue shopping sellers store”. That would be cool for those passing Googlers!
Awesome! Good job
Wow! The old gray mule is dead! This looks very bright and cheerful. Very pretty!
Thanks Bill – Better!!
Thanks Bill, I’m so overwhelmed with friendly people here, its fantastic, I already signed one person up and working on 3 others. The personal touches are appreciated. I’m going to contact my local news station in Philly, hopefully they’ll do a story about bonanzle.
Thanks for theinfo! Just joined a few days ago and goodness such nice folks here.
Thanks so much!
@salvage-etc – lol
It’s fantastic. Had sales bought and paid for almost before I even knew about them!
A huge Thank YOU!
Looks great! Another job well done! Thanks!
Oh man, where have I been? I didn’t see this blog post until right now. Whooo Hoooo!!! THANK YOU, Bill, for all of your hard work in creating the super rad Invoicing System. Very, very exciting!!! Haven’t tried it out as yet, but it is looking Mighty Fine!!

Thank you for all the hard work looks Great
Bill, I feel your pain. Your’s was at least wireless. Think how you’d feel if the mouse was still connected (me). Checkout looks great, though.
salvage-etc, Excellent!
That mouse did me in also! Thank you so much for all your help!
Great job! Can’t wait to use it!
What can I say that hasn’t already been said!! This looks great and I appreciate all your hard work.
Works great, but had a buyer use the Buy IT Now and since shipping costs were in description to another country the shipping costs showed up as 0. They paid immediately with pay pal. I had no chance to adjust invoice to change counter offer or change the shipping costs from 0 to the actual shipping amount.
Otherwise works great.
Bill, I feel your pain-went back to an old plug in after losing several listings myself. Thanks for the update and look forward to hearing more when you overcome the loss! Suzy
I can relate also between the mouse + the dog stepping on the keys-ugh! Wonderful job on the check-out! Thanks for making our lives easier threw all your efforts
Thanks for all your hard work to make this a “great shopping experience” sorry couldn’t resist. Hey new tech stuff makes thing faster even when not expecting it. I have a dry sense of humor, can’t you tell? But now for the good stuff, thanks so much for helping us even more, you da man!
very nice. thank you for the improvement.
Avoid Microsoft Mice?
Invoice/cart looks great but wish I had a button on the side in “My Bonanzle” that said “Send Invoice”. Had a customer who wanted 3-4 items, we discussed price through emails along with the shipping cost. No where could I make it simple for the customer with a combined invoice generated from my end that I could find – am I missing something? I told them to make the offer on the items as a buyer that we had discussed and I would accept. Never heard from her – she disappeared.
What the guy above me said.
Really like the new cart. Very nice.
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